Burner Teplamos Eco 70

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The Teplamos ECO 70 is a universal burner running on spent oil. It can run on fuels of various types: diesel fuel, spent engine and gear oils, and mazut. When the fuel type or quality is changed, replacement of a burner is not required, and adjusting the air-mixture amount and the fuel heating temperature will suffice.

  • Model: Teplamos Eco 70
  • Fuel: spent oil
  • Fuel-consumption rate, kg/h: 5.08 to 8.37
  • Weight, kg: 17.0
  • Manufacturer: Belamos, Russia
  • Burner type: industrial
  • Power, kW: 60.0 to 99.0
  • Power supply, V/Hz: 230\50
  • Dimensions (WxDxH), mm: 450х300х450
  • Fuel-consumption rate, kg/h (B/P): 3.65 to 5.41

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